Drakos DMC Greece & Cyprus

Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

Published on December 16, 2015

The year has come and gone in the blink of an eye, while Drakos celebrated 33 years in the industry!

I am personally proud of our team’s achievements in 2015 and take the opportunity to thank you; our trustful clients, partners and friends for all their support throughout the years.

From the whole team here in Cyprus; Christina, Orestis, Litsa, Marilena, Pantelitsa, Michelle and Vilda; we wish you a truly Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2016!


Drakos House
67, Agias Fylaxeos
3025, Limassol, Cyprus
CY: +357 25 324 800

45, Spefsippou
106 76, Athens, Greece
GR: +30 697 064 8025

A Leading Destination Management Company in Greece & Cyprus since 1982